Saturday 15 November 2014

MID-I Question paper - Exam held on 08-11-2014

II B.Tech I Sem       I Internal       Sub: DLD       Branch: CSE-A & B      Date: 08-11-14     Max Time: 90min    
1.  a) Subtract the following numbers using 10’s & 9’s complement methods.               [5]
            i) 5250-425                     ii) 526-359
     b) Express the following numbers in decimal & octal number systems.                     [5]
            i) (110101.1011)2               ii) CDEA16
2. a) Simplify the expression Z=AB+AB’ [(A ‘C’)]’.                                                                 [5]                      
    b) Find dual & complement of        A+B+A’B’C.                                                    [2]
    c) Implement the following Boolean function with NAND-NAND logic
                  F=A’B’+A’C+B’C                                                                                   [3]
3. a) Implement the following logic function using a 8X1 multiplexer.
            F(A,B,C,D)=∑m(1,2,5,11,12,13,14,15)                                                         [4]
    b) Draw the block diagrams of encoder, decoder & multiplexer                               [3]
    c) With the help of logic diagram explain a parallel adder/subtractor.                        [3]


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